Burundi Tours & Holidays

Small Group Tours & Tailor-Made Holidays


Tiny in stature, but big on landscapes, Burundi has largely been forgotten over the years, due in no small part to the violent intertribal conflicts that followed its independence in 1962. With the arrival of peace, it is hoped that this beautiful and little discovered country will begin to flourish once more.

Bordered by Rwanda, Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of Congo, it lies amongst the vast panoramas of the Great Lakes region of East Africa; a land of soaring mountains and ...

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Health and Vaccinations 

Yellow Fever vaccination is mandatory for all visitors to Burundi and you will need to take your vaccination certificate with you. Without it you may well be denied entry to the country. You should also be up-to-date with Typhoid, Tetanus, Polio and Hepatitis A. Malaria is present throughout Burundi so anti-malarial tablets are usually advised. Please note we are not medical professionals and so we highly recommend you seek advice from your local GP or travel centre as to the correct immunisations and preventative treatments. 


In Burundi the official unit of currency is the Burundian Franc. This is a closed currency and can only be exchanged in country. 

To check out the latest exchange rate for the places that you are visiting you can go to www.oanda.com

Cultural Sensitivity 

On our tours you will frequently interact with local people, each with their own distinct customs and traditions. We therefore ask you to be considerate and to treat them with respect. Your tour-leaders and guides will always be able to advise you accordingly.  

Language & Religion 

The official languages of Burundi are Kirundi and French. Swahili is spoken by some of the population. Approximately 60% of people in Burundi are Christian with the rest of the population following traditional beliefs and Islam. 


Burundi is 2 hours ahead of GMT. 

A useful website to check the time zone differences is www.worldtimezone.com.  

Food and drink 

In Burundi, the staple foods are maize, rice, sweet potatoes, beans, bananas, plantains, tomatoes, onions and sometimes fish. Many restaurants and hotels will serve French influenced cuisine, but in the more remote areas more traditional meals may well be served. 

Breakfast will usually be continental style, with sliced bread/rolls with cheese, ham/salami and jam plus coffee/tea. Lunch and dinner consist mainly of local specialties consisting of meat, poultry, or fish with vegetables, rice, potatoes or 'Foufou', a local side dish made of the manioc plant.  

Sweet deserts are not common outside of the major cities and mainly consist of fresh fruit.